Impulse Control Disorder: What You Need to Know
Impulse control disorder, or ICD, is a condition associated with a number of uncontrollable behaviors. Here’s everything you need to know about impulse control disorder.
Impulse control disorder, or ICD, is a condition associated with a number of uncontrollable behaviors. Here’s everything you need to know about impulse control disorder.
Creative expression is good for the soul. But are there creative pursuits that might aid in your recovery? Hmm… Let’s see what the experts have to say on the matter.
Over the course of recovery, people often pick up certain skills and traits. Do any of them make you a good fit for certain career paths? In other words, what are the best careers for people in recovery from addiction?
The prospect of condensing detox down to a single day is appealing, but is it safe? And is it the right choice for your recovery? Here’s everything you should know about one-day detoxes.
We’re spending more time than ever staring at screens. What if we’re using the internet to such a degree that it’s negatively affecting other aspects of our lives? Can you become addicted to the internet?
With most states having legalized cannabis for medicinal use, individuals in recovery have some important questions to ask: How does cannabis fit into recovery, if at all? Can you be abstinent if you’re using medical cannabis? Let’s find out…
How do you know when you’ve reached the point of needing treatment? Is there ever a time when you’re “not addicted enough” to warrant an inpatient program? Do you have to hit rock bottom before you’re ready to embrace recovery?
Health insurance companies are often reluctant to extend a level of coverage that’s even comparable to coverage of physical care. But why? Let’s discuss the mental and physical health coverage inequality.
It’s estimated that addiction is 50-percent genetic. So if addiction runs in your family, does that mean addiction is inevitable? Is there anything you can do to mitigate your risk?
There are many drugs and a number of ways to ingest them. However, when it comes to crystal meth, which is more dangerous: Snorting it or smoking it?