Meet Nick Cialdella

Nick Ciadella profile photo

Director of Outreach

Never Alone Recovery

Having experienced the effects of addiction first hand, Nick Cialdella knows firsthand what it's like being shuffled around in the addiction treatment system. As Director of Outreach for Never Alone Recovery, Nick has been able to work towards his goal to help every person or family member who has been affected by addiction by providing educational and emotional support. Nick has dedicated his life to the belief that healing and recovery is possible, regardless of one's socioeconomic status or insurance coverage.

In addition to serving the community as the Director of Outreach for Never Alone Recovery, Nick Ciadella has been involved in public speaking and helping to educate school students, faculty, other professionals, and the community at large on substance abuse issues.

Nick has been profiled in The Chicago Times as well as other publications.

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Nick's Background

Nick's downward spiral began at age 9 when the cycle of addiction first started in earnest. Eventually, Nick progressed from experimentation to regularly smoking, shooting up, taking prescription medications, overdosing, detoxing, and doing time in the county jail.

During that time in his life, Nick's only goal was to get high. Eventually, he was confronted with the harsh reality that this path had one of two possible endings: He would either kill himself or need to get clean. Because he could not continue living in the way he had been for so long.

Upon his release from jail on June 15, 2015, Nick finally accepted that he was helpless to the disease of addiction and could not overcome it on his own. Surrendering to the process of recovery, he connected with an ex-addict who could help get him on the path toward healing.

Addict's hands on table with drugs
Holding a newborn baby

7 Years Sober

Nick's story has a happy ending: In addition to maintaining his sobriety for seven years (and counting!), Nick has gained full custody of his son, become a homeowner, and in July 2020, he welcomed another child into his life.

By helping those having similar experiences and sharing his story, Nick is working to combat the stigmatization of addiction because people in recovery are more than their addictions.

We are sons, fathers, sisters, mothers, neighbors, and human beings. And above all else, we matter.

What People Are Saying

“Nick and Never Alone Recovery were extremely helpful... I am forever grateful!”

Anthony W.

Community member

“My family member decided not to go at first, but Nick didn't give up on him. I cannot begin to thank Nick and the staff at Never Alone Recovery.”

Caroline W.

Family member

“In 24 hours, Nick had placement for my son with insurance coverage confirmed... I will be forever grateful to Nick who devotes his time to helping those in need.”

Cindy M.

Family member

“Nick was very helpful and got me where I needed to be... Day or night, he was there.”

Joy R.

Community member