Online Support Group

Join us Wednesdays @ 7PM CST

What to Expect

Our meetings are a place for community members and their loved ones, as well as any other individuals, to seek information and support.

Recovery is not always a straight line. When things get difficult, it helps to have a group of experienced professionals and peers in your corner.

Who is Our Support Group For?


Individuals who suffer from addiction benefit from having a community of understanding cohorts and allies in recovery.


Our support groups are a great resource for addicts' spouses to gain a better understanding and receive emotional support.


Many of our support group attendees are parents of individuals who are either actively experiencing addiction or are at varying points in recovery.

Extended Family

Anyone who has a loved one suffering from addiction will find invaluable support and deep understanding in those attending our meetings.


If your friend is showing signs of addiction, our support groups are a great resource to better understand addiction and recovery.


Know someone who's struggling and you want to lend support? Our attendees can often provide poignant feedback and encouragement.

Online Support Group Meeting

How to Join Our Online Support Group Meetings

Our meetings are hosted on Zoom. Here's how to attend a meeting:

To enter the lobby, copy and paste following URL into your web browser. Alternatively, you can click the button provided.

Meeting ID

777 316 787



Meeting ID and password will remain the same for every meeting.

Join Our Support Group Mailing List

Want to be notified when the lobby is open for our online support group each week? It's so simple! Using the form below, submit your request to receive support group notifications.

Note: You will never receive any sales emails, nor do we sell our members' information.

Ready for a free consultation?

If you or your loved one is ready to begin a new chapter, send us a secure and private message. Someone from our team will get back to you as soon as possible.