The Sober Person’s Self-Care Checklist

August 13, 2024

5 mins

Jackie Rosu


One way to stay in recovery is to keep a sober self-care checklist. By tracking and tending to their own needs, patients can avoid relapse, stay sober, and keep their overall health in check.

Staying sober doesn't begin and end with the avoidance of substance use. There’s a lot that a person in recovery needs to do to sustain recovery. One of the most important elements on the road to sobriety is to practice self-care. But what exactly is sober self-care? How can a person stay engaged and consistent?

One way to stay in recovery is to keep a sober self-care checklist. By tracking and tending to their own needs, patients can avoid relapse, stay sober, and keep their overall health in check.

But First, What is Self-Care?

Self-care is when a person takes action on purpose to improve their psychological, physiological, and social well-being. For some people, that means something as basic as physical self-care, which consists of sleep, hygiene, and a healthy diet. However, most individuals will also need to engage in emotional self-care.

Practicing emotional self-care means making time for oneself, being kind to oneself, and giving oneself permission to have fun. It can also mean making an effort to focus on the positive and practicing gratitude for the good things in one’s life. Even staying connected with friends and family members who can provide emotional support is a way of practicing emotional self-care.

Poor self-care can be remembered by the acronym HALT, which stands for hungry, angry, lonely, and tired. While self-care needs may vary from person to person, paying attention to these feelings can help a person understand their needs.

Why is it Important to Engage in Self-Care? 

Self-care is important because it lowers a person’s risk of dealing with problems later. Engaging in a self-care routine has been clinically proven to reduce or eliminate anxiety and depression, reduce stress, minimize frustration and anger, increase happiness, and improve energy. Self-care also has been proven to reduce the risk of heart disease, strokes, and cancer.

Alongside these benefits, self-care also helps to increase productivity and focus. When a person allows themselves time to rest, they increase productivity, improve concentration, and have a better ability to problem-solve. Self-care can also give a person more energy to invest in their relationships, prevent burnout, and increase self-esteem.

What are the Benefits of Sober Self-Care?

In recovery, self-care offers a healthy alternative to coping with drugs or alcohol. This is more important than it may first seem, as poor self-care actually leads to the first stage of relapse by causing a person to withdraw from others and bottle their emotions. This stage is emotional relapse, when a person begins to feel restless in their own skin and starts to think about using in order to escape. 

The second stage, mental relapse, occurs when a person consciously thinks about using again over a longer period of time. In this stage, they will start to plan a relapse. In the final stage, physical relapse, an individual returns to uncontrolled habits of substance use.

As engaging in self-care reduces a person’s chances of substance use, it is vital to recovery.

Not only does self-care help a person build a positive sense of self while coping with substance use disorder, it also helps them feel a sense of control over their actions. This leads to a greater sense of resilience. Plus, self-care gives a person in recovery coping mechanisms that help to manage stress, anxiety, and other triggers of relapse. 

As well, a person feels their best when they engage in self-care. This gives them more time to work towards goals that matter to them and fill their days with enjoyable activities. As a result, they’ll have less time to use

Self-Care Checklist

Self-care can be difficult to remember, but a tool like a self-care checklist can really help. Below is a checklist of actions a person can take in order to engage in self-care. 

Engage in Sober Self-Care with the Never Alone Foundation

Self-care might seem like something frivolous, but it’s actually integral to recovery. By paying attention to their physical and emotional needs, a person in recovery can engage in sober self-care and prevent the onset of relapse. However, remembering to take care of oneself can be challenging. By having a sober self-care checklist, a person can assess their own needs and attend to them.

Sometimes, engaging in self-care and staying sober can take a little more support. If you or a loved one is struggling with substance use disorder, the Never Alone Foundation is here to help. Call us today at 844-422-2311 to learn more about our online support group and addiction recovery consultants. Together, we can find the Never Alone program that’s right for you.

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